Preparing for your financial future starts now. If you have not already started setting up your retirement fund, there is no better time than today to start. No matter where you are in the financial spectrum or in the socio-economic ladder, you can have access to the various retirement tools around. Purchasing an annuity would be one way through which you can successfully create a retirement fund. But, no investment instrument would work without your dedication and commitment to see it through no matter what.
You first have to make that decision to consciously set aside a certain amount in savings every month before you decide on anything. There are various annuities that you can purchase depending on the amount of money you have, your cash flow, and your future financial goals. It would be wise to compare annuities to find the best retirement funding tool for you.
You can compare annuities in several ways. One is by type of annuity. The most popular type of annuity for those who still have a number of years to go before retirement is the deferred annuity. Deferred annuities allow you to put in your premiums regularly for a number of years in exchange for the promise of a guaranteed steady stream of income throughout your retirement years. You can choose from a deferred annuity that gives you a fixed accumulation rate or a deferred annuity that gives you a variable rate of return.
The variable rate of return largely depends on the choice of investment instruments where the insurance company decides to put your money. If you want to have more control as to how your money accumulates, you can opt for this kind of deferred annuity. Bear in mind, though, that with this variable deferred annuity, you can lose some amount of money due to bad investment decisions. And then, you can choose to get an annuity that makes payments only for the duration of your lifetime, a joint annuity that pays for the duration of your lifetime and the lifetime of your spouse, or an annuity that pays out the rest of your retirement fund to your beneficiaries when you pass away.
After you have decided on which type and configuration of annuity works well for you, you can then compare annuities from various insurance companies. Here you will have to look at the fees and charges as well as the projected fund accumulation in their annuity proposals, and this will help you decide how much you'll need in retirement savings.
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